Aday Remus

Project Overview
Aday Remus was a project in prototyping what a downtown and thus a community could become. The project allowed citizens to participate in designing the potential future of their own communities by attaching ideas to spaces. What would you do with a building?
What’s your idea for the new use of an old space? Participants could identify buildings in their communities and design prototypes of the use of those spaces (a coffee shop, a cowork space, a bookstore, a pizza place, or whatever). Participants could then engage socially around these ideas, thus driving an active redevelopment of your community.
In 2013, we orchestrated a pilot project that brought together a hand-picked group of Masters in Business Administration students from Winthrop University with Economic Development staff at the City of Rock Hill, as well as community leaders and businesses. The MBA students identified available buildings and developed business ideas for the use of that space. The students used Aday Remus as their medium to do the work in a public and social way. Then, we designed the 2013 Old Town New World Conference around the project.

Jason’s Role in the Project
Jason was the creator, producer, and director of the Aday Remus project.
The project has proven to be a cornerstone for my educational experience both inside and outside the classroom, and I have taken the skills, knowledge, and relationships gained and have applied them daily to my career moving forward.
More than a traditional internship or single class, this project provided deep interdisciplinary problem solving & hands on experience. Being able to work alongside both a university and city officials offered hands on experience, not only in project management, but also in community empowerment.
Aday Remus Described by its Creators
Aday Remus – The Student Project